Role at Blumberg Digital: Deputy CEO
The first job I ever had:
In highschool I worked summers as a Postcard Cutter Operator Assistant
My favorite food:
Anything with truffles or anything that my girlfriend cooks lol.
Top three favorite things I liked to do on my time off:
- Playing sports. I routinely play soccer and rock climb, but also love to play basketball and a few others.
- Taking trips to national parks or locations where I can hike, kayak and just enjoy how crazy beautiful nature can be.
- I love animals, so any time I can spend with them I will. Whether that means in nature, the zoo, aquarium or playing with other people’s pets, count me in.
A cause I’m passionate about:
Education. Proper education on anything is going to be the cornerstone for bringing problems to light and coming up with definitive solutions. So I think that’s the first part of helping any cause.
A surprising thing people don’t know about me:
I love roller coasters and recently started keeping track of all the ones I ride (there is a whole community that does this apparently). I’ve traveled across the country twice, to two seperate parks for the tallest and second tallest roller coasters in the world. On both trips they happened to be closed for the day. I’ll be back.